iSAFE! TV & FILM, LLC is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote safety awareness on television and film production sets through education, trainings, awareness, accountability and visibility.
iSAFE! TV & FiLM was founded after Sarah Jones, a camera assistant, was struck by a train and tragically killed, while working on the film, “Midnight Rider”, on February 20, 2014. Several crew members were also severely injured. After the tragedy, Safety Awareness has been a conversation and movement, to make sure no one dies while doing their job. Everyone has the right to Work. Be Safe. Go Home.
iSAFE! Stands for Industry Safety Awareness For Everyone. The goal is to make February 20th an iSAFE! Day, which will serve as a day of remembrance for all cast and crew members who have been seriously injured or lost their lives, to promote education, and reiterating the resources available, such as studio safety hotline numbers.
The visibility of iSAFE! TV & FiLM is provided by having iSAFE! T-shirts with the slogan, “Work. Be Safe. Go Home” worn onset. The t-shirts have proven to be the “silent” voice, which crew members wear on days of stunts, as a reminder to work safely and on days when they feel unsafe. We encourage everyone to not be afraid to speak up, but if they are, then wearing the t-shirt serves its purpose as their voice. Many productions have changed unsafe practices after seeing the iSAFE! T-shirts onset.
We all should practice safety awareness everyday and make it a lifestyle choice. Work. Be Safe. Go Home.
Safety Awareness
Provide safety meetings, offer trainings, workshops, safety apps, set safety liaison between crew members and locals, and encourage crew to utilize resources available.

Your Voice Matters
Speak Up
If you feel unsafe or someone you know feels unsafe and afraid to speak up, assist them, and/or direct them to their supervisor. If safety is not a priority and crew members are in danger, speak up.

Remember the date
iSAFE! Day- February 20
Lets all join forces to declare this date an industry wide safety awareness for everyone day. Local unions can offer trainings and workshops to crew members across the country to prevent tragedies from happening again.

“An iSAFE! Day is needed in our industry! Lets support this cause and show solidarity. There are many new crew members in our industry who don't know what to do if they feel unsafe, who to talk to or how to handle the situation. Sometimes crew members are afraid to speak up because of the fear of losing their job or becoming blacklisted in our industry. We need to stay informed, vigilant and educated. This day would be a great reminder to all!!
Crew Member- NY

I was severely injured while working on a film set and given a second chance at life. I am a safety advocate. I am hoping that our industry unites to make an Industry Safety Awareness For Everyone Day a reality. We have talked about change far too long. Its time to work and make change happen. This is a start. Please help me get the word out. Remember the Date. Never Forget. February 20.
Joyce M. Gilliard
IATSE Local 798 Makeup and Hairstylist